Between the faded colors of an old Holiday magazine or a heavy coffee table book on Frank Lloyd Wright you’ll find hofo(short for Holden Foster). hofo, is a street photographer and architecture geek who captures spaces of all shapes & sizes with cameras of all shapes & sizes.
His work highlights overlooked details of a fading American life, juxtaposing the past and present like pieces of an ever-growing mosaic of Americana. He’s fascinated with the world, and with the way in which our hands designed it.
#lowertheresolution is a mindset destined to strip away the noise— our obsession with perfection, clarity, and superiority—and focus on the art of being present, and going there. Whether it’s a quiet storefront left to the dust or a moment that feels too fleeting to capture, his work leans into his spontaneity and it’s inherent imperfections.
hofo searches for truth in places that are left to be forgotten in the dark, blending solitude, bold colors, and a little nostalgia into something memorable.